Céu D'Ellia

movies, animation, comics, illustration & environment

Anima Mundi 2014: Honored Artist

Anima Mundi 2014: Honored Artist

From July the 29th, starting in Rio, to August the 10th, ending in S?o Paulo, it happened the 22nd International Animation Festival of Brazil, the Anima Mundi 2014. And being one of the honored artists of the Festival (the others were Bob Balser,

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3D Animation Design

For the Animated Kabaret design, I was searching for a very stylized CG-3D, unrealistic and with many 2D solutions. Like Mickey Mouse ears, that always face the viewer straight, it doesn?t matter to where the mouse is looking at. So, for example,

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At NUPA* I had a small school-studio, where students without money could learn, for free, the basic fundaments and tools of ?2D animation? (that I prefer call ?digital cut out?) and, in addition, to receive lectures from the best professionals in

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Story Boards

I started my career doing story boards and I love to do them. The film gets alive in my head and I have to work fast to put it on the board. Usually it happens in a way that, after I draw the roughs, does not need too many corrections on crossings of

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Hand Drawn Animation Design

I like form. Philosophically speaking, everybody does. But I like how you can use lines in a flat surface, and make the eyes cheat your brain that what you see is tridimensional and exists in space. Better: I like to draw things that at the same

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