Céu D'Ellia

movies, animation, comics, illustration & environment

Love Will Rescue You: a documentary poem

This film came to be in a very heartfelt and synchronic way. I was living a very difficult moment, very sad about my career and about the world we live in. One day, after my daily meditation practice, I put my mind in the void and did a request. I

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Exercising on Cintiq

It was Barry Ward, Mr. Bardel himself, who advised me to learn how to draw on Cintiq. My final resistance vanished after I did some research and found out that Dave Gibbons, the meticulous and rigorous British penciller-inker artist, has been working

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3D Animation Design

For the Animated Kabaret design, I was searching for a very stylized CG-3D, unrealistic and with many 2D solutions. Like Mickey Mouse ears, that always face the viewer straight, it doesn?t matter to where the mouse is looking at. So, for example,

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Cinemark motion graphics

With more than 500 movie theatre rooms, Cinemark is the largest Brazilian film exhibition company. So, Hey Hey Hey, the security film I did in 2014, was surely the most viewed film in Brazil along this season. The film is projected in every single

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Hand Drawn Animation Design

I like form. Philosophically speaking, everybody does. But I like how you can use lines in a flat surface, and make the eyes cheat your brain that what you see is tridimensional and exists in space. Better: I like to draw things that at the same

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I like to mix simple graphic patterns and very geometric compositions, with the classical light and shadow perspective. It is a very conscious option. I clearly identify in my aesthetic preferences, that I received the influence of classical Italian

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