Céu D´Ellia

movies, animation, comics, illustration & environment

Love Will Rescue You

Love Will Rescue You

This low budget film is partially animation and partially in live action. It’s about human trafficking and the Children of the Forest, a shelter for children rescued from abandon, abuse and exploitation. Céu did produce the animation sequence and did

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Exercising on Cintiq

Exercising on Cintiq

These are the first drawings Céu did 100% digital, working with Cintiq and Photoshop, from rough to final artwork. They are also a graphic study on an African Yoruba mythological theme, the Eshu Orisha, which controls passages, paths and crossroads.

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Collage 83 14

Collage 83 14

This short, mixes clips from different kinds of films produced from 1983 to 2014 and it was released to open Céu’s sessions at Anima Mundi 2014 Animation Festival. Included are scenes from commercials, motion graphics, educational films, musical

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Céu created NUPA in 2009 and directed it until its end in 2012. NUPA was a center, in São Paulo city, for the fostering of Brazilian animation film production, and a free-school studio to provide opportunity to students without money to become

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Cinemark motion graphics

Cinemark motion graphics

Céu did create, direct and produce some motion graphic films to the Brazilian Cinemark cinema theater company. All films were developed together with the Creative Director Cibar Ruiz, having in mind how to better explore the big screen projection

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Hand Drawn Animation Design

Hand Drawn Animation Design

This post includes a compilation of different design concept jobs Céu did along his career. From his own characters, originally published in comics and further adapted to hand-drawn animation, to some commissioned jobs, as the Little Monsters for a

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3D Animation Design

3D Animation Design

Most of the drawings in this session belong to two projects: The Animated Kabaret, a TV pilot you can watch at the NUPA´s film compilation, and the Kurupyra at Anhangabaú short film. Its storyboard can be seen at the storyboards session of this

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